4000 BC

World history, according to the Bible, isn’t as old as you might think. Did you know there is a lot of research supporting this?

What is science?

Secular science (i.e., the type of science that has chosen in advance to keep God out of college) pretends to know a lot about the history of our lives. Yet there are many skilled scientists who, on the basis of clear arguments, thorough fieldwork, and trust in the Bible's record, endorse a very young history. This state of affairs raises a fundamental question about the nature of science in general. We don’t have to evade those questions. What can we actually 'know'? In what sense do trust and unprovable assumptions play a decisive role in modern scientific modelling?

In the timeline you will encounter a number of significant examples that substantiate the biblical early reckoning. A preview is given below. Are you up for the challenge?  

Clues to a young world.

The fact that world history is not as old as the mainstream models claim can be supported by numerous findings and arguments. Here are just a few examples.

1 - Remnants of flexible tissue in dinosaur fossils

In most scientific publications and magazines, it is an indisputable fact that dinosaur like creatures lived at least 65 million years ago. But in 2007, Dr. Mary Schweitzer made a remarkable discovery. During her excavations in the Hell Creek formation in Montana, she found remains of a Tyrannosaurus rex. That happens quite often. But much to her surprise (as an evolutionary scientist) she also found associated remains of still flexible tissue, blood vessels and protein fragments. She published her findings in the scientific journal Scientific American (December 2010, pp. 62-69).

From an evolutionary angle, the publication was met with great aversion. After all, how can you say with good decency that flexible tissue remains still exist after 65 million years of fossilization? Part of the evolutionary scientists, who acknowledged that this find presented an unsolvable problem, put forth a theory on the spot. Apparently, there must be an as-yet-unknown fossilization process that explains this. This was an obvious theoretical rescuing device. From a biblical timescale however, it poses no problem at all. Did you know that the Bible book of Job describes a dinosaur like creature (Job 40:10-19, the largest land animal, with a tail 'like a cedar’ – which is a huge tree)?

Once you accept that humans and dinosaurs have lived together, murals found, like the one below, are suddenly no anomaly anymore.  

Kachina Bridge Dinosaur Petroglyph


2 - The recent origin of the total world’s population

The entire world population, as we know it today, from Aztec to Aboriginal and New Yorker, arose and migrated in a period of no more than 4500 years. Our ancestors have spread across the Earth within this timeframe, migrating multiple times, and mixing together in all sorts of ways. Yes, this stunning claim is absolutely contrary to mainstream reconstructions about the past. But it is true. Read more about this astonishing remodeling in [the origin of all nations]. Here you will learn what the genetic family tree really tells us about the origin and development of the inhabitants of this world.

3 - The rock layers of the Grand Canyon

Did you know that the impressive Grand Canyon must have been created in a period of just weeks to months? No need for millions of years. This is clearly evident from recently published research into the deepest layers of the Canyon. It shows an echo of the worldwide catastrophe of Noah's flood [the catastrophe of the flood]. During this gigantic geological dynamic, the present continents split and drifted at high speed. The highest mountains, such as the Himalayas, were created in this period. Strong warming of the oceans, combined with the ash from large-scale volcanic activity, created an ice age climate for several hundred years and plunged humanity into primitive circumstances for a relatively short period of time.

4 - Neptune's magnetic field

Creationist physicist Dr. Russ Humphreys successfully predicted Neptune's magnetic field two years before Voyager II flew past it (in 1986). He calculated based on an age of 6,000 years.

Do you like the stars? Here's a nice talk about the age of the cosmos from a YEC (Young Earth Creation) perspective:

Secrets of the Cosmos that Confirm the Bible – Dr. Jason Lisle - YouTube


5 - Once upon a time it all started…

In many traditions worldwide, the idea exists that our universe is eternal. Isn’t it remarkable that modern science, while still calculating with astronomical large numbers, has moved away from the idea of ​​an eternal universe? Everything points to a beginning. There is a great difference of opinion about when that was and how it came about, but the first sentence of the Bible (“In the beginning…”) is not that crazy after all.

These are just a few examples from the fields of geology, archaeology, microbiology, and cosmology which underline that the Bible tells an extremely reliable story. Do you want to delve further into this subject, because it raises all kinds of complex questions for you? That sounds like a good plan! There is a lot of material available.

Time is a very sensitive subject

Discussions about time calculations are not purely theoretical and academic. They are extremely sensitive. Time, after all, is the indispensable precondition for spontaneous evolution. And evolution is the foundation of the secular worldview, embraced by many millions of people around the globe. If it turns out that the massive timescales of millions and billions of years are incorrect, and the earth is indeed still very young, the evolutionary structure will collapse like a house of cards. After all, everyone understands that mega-complex living organisms can never arise in a period of only thousands of years through a spontaneous process of random mutations. At the very least, and apart from the load of difficulties this theory raises, evolution takes time, a lot of time. But if this collapses, then the foundation of the secular worldview disappears, and post-modern man is left desperate.

In the timeline, this religious dimension of secular science is taken very seriously. Questioning established theories of life is not a purely intellectual activity. It touches upon our hopes and fears and life biggest questions.

“The ultimate purpose of the timeline, therefore, is not to criticize mainstream secular scientists. If you are one of them or feel affiliated with this line of thought, please don’t feel assaulted. The timeline is intended to show that there is a wonderful, reliable, and hopeful alternative to the depressing secular narrative. It’s an alternative that you, even as a sceptic, can join as well!”

Insight into the times that we are living in

The 21st century world is in a state of flux in many ways. It is vitally important to understand what is really going on here. Of course, we don't understand every detail and we don’t have to. But fortunately, God has given us sufficient frame of reference throughout the Bible. Don’t lay this valuable testimony aside. Do not be misled by sweet talk of religious, political or business leaders, but examine everything yourself and keep what is good (I Thessalonians 5:21). You will find that understanding the outlines of our history and God-given prophecy helps enormously to find your own destiny within the current world stage.  

Read about it in the Bible

  • Genesis 1 – 11 (earliest history)
  • Matthew 1 (the line of generations leading up to Jesus)
  • Romans 5 (about the 'first' and 'second' Adam)
  • Psalm 19 (about the universe, the words of the covenant, awe for God and testing the depths of one's own heart)