A beautiful creation (instead of a blind evolution)

If you visit a mainstream history museum or read a biology textbook, there seems to be no doubt about it: life originated through evolutionary development over a period of many millions of years. The science is settled, and the cards are shuffled. Or not? The Discovery Institute is an initiative of scientists who believe that this popular theory of origin should be put reviewed anew. More than a thousand respected scientists from around the world have signed the initiative ( https://dissentfromdarwin.org/). Recent results from genetics, microbiology, and information science point to a direction incompatible with the model of evolutionary development. In fact, they point in the opposite direction. Life without intelligence does not exist. The 160-year-old theory of evolution has been weighed and found wanting.

There have always been Christian scientists who swim against the tide. They conduct their research on the assumption that God is the Designer and Builder of life. Often, they are dismissed as 'pseudo-scientists'. According to the secular world these people would be too attached to their religious assumptions and unable to practice objective science. But that turns out to be very short sighted on closer inspection. So-called secular science itself is full of beliefs. And there is rock solid material available that supports a thoughtful design of life. Do you dare to investigate?

If you visit a mainstream history museum or read a biology textbook, there seems to be no doubt about it: life originated through evolutionary development over a period of many millions of years. The science is settled, and the cards are shuffled. Or not? The Discovery Institute is an initiative of scientists who believe that this popular theory of origin should be put reviewed anew. More than a thousand respected scientists from around the world have signed the initiative ( https://dissentfromdarwin.org/). The 160-year-old theory of evolution has been weighed and found wanting.

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The catastrophe of the global flood

A number of generations after the start with Adam & Eve, God couldn't stand it anymore. What a mess the people had made of it. Lies, deceit, conflict and self-interest determined daily life. The limit had been reached. To make a clean start, He plunged the world into a mega-catastrophe: the Flood. This global flood would forever change the geological surface of our planet, even including the formation of the continents. It also meant a complete reset for humanity. No one survived the flood, not even in a remote corner of the world, except Noah and his household. From these three families, the entire world population arose, from Aboriginal to Chinese and Dutch, in a period of just 4500 years. Did you know that recent scientific research supports this in a great way? Go to [the origin of all nations] to discover more.

Although Noah's ark is often depicted in children's Bibles as a funny and imaginative adventure, it was not a pleasant event at all. The flood was a harsh judgment from God on the wicked race of mankind. Jesus foretold that in the days just before His second coming it will be as in the days of Noah (Matthew 24). Everyone follows their own ways, but it suddenly will end. Jesus returns to the scene, not now as a humble Lamb but as the mighty Lion of Judah. There will be no wooden ark to climb on. Only those who have committed their lives to the Messiah will be saved in that storm.

A number of generations after the start with Adam & Eve, God couldn't stand it anymore. What a mess the people had made of it. Lies, deceit, conflict and self-interest determined daily life. The limit had been reached. To make a clean start, He plunged the world into a mega-catastrophe: the Flood. This global flood would forever change the geological surface of our planet, even including the formation of the continents. It also meant a complete reset for humanity.

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The risk of love

Our first ancestors, Mr. Adam and Ms. Eve, have lived in harmony with the Creator for a short time. Soon they fell under the spell of the lie to become a god themselves. They broke off friendship with God by questioning His intentions. In response, God introduced death and subjected nature to a curse. But immediately followed the beautiful promise of salvation as well (Genesis 3:15).

It is sometimes suggested that God's plan in paradise failed, and the rest of history is nothing but a major restoration. But world history is much more than that. God's intention is to form a great community of people with whom He will live together forever in a covenant of love. Freedom is essential in this covenant. Without the risk that comes along with love, everything would be meaningless.

Throughout world history, God is accomplishing two major things. Firstly, He’s forming a huge crowd of people whowant to engage in His future out of their own free will. Secondly, by His humiliation and sacrifice He has exposed the oldest and greatest lie, that His intentions are unreliable and that you would be better off living without God. Thus, He has laid the solid foundation for an eternal covenant of love. In this everlasting future there will be nothing that can disturb the friendship between God and man, ever again.

Our first ancestors, Mr. Adam and Ms. Eve, have lived in harmony with the Creator for a short time. Soon they fell under the spell of the lie to become a god themselves. It is sometimes suggested that God's plan in paradise failed, and the rest of history is nothing but a major restoration. But world history is much more than that.

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The origin of all nations

After the great flood, the world's population counts no more than eight people. No one, except Noah’s family, has survived the judgment of God. Not even in a remote corner of South America or Australia. Those continents did not even exist before the flood [the global flood]. It was a completely new beginning for the world and the world's population: “These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood” (Genesis 10:32). The total world population as we know it arose from these three families.

The Biblical model of course clashes with secular theories, which assume humanity developed over a period of hundreds of thousands of years. Is it scientifically sound to even consider the Biblical version? It certainly is! On the basis of a genetic reconstruction, we are able to map the human family tree. Who had contact with whom, at what time and how can the echo of history be traced in our DNA data? Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson conducts ground-breaking research in this area. The results of this Traced – Human DNA's big surprise research are extremely intriguing. It will probably mess up everything you thought you knew about the development of the world's population. The only question left is, do you dare to investigate this?

After the great flood, the world's population counts no more than eight people. It was a completely new beginning for the world and the world's population: “These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood" (Genesis 10:32). The Biblical model of course clashes with secular theories, which assume humanity developed over a period of hundreds of thousands of years. Is it scientifically sound to even consider the Biblical version? It certainly is!

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The migration of all nations

Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) is known to be the cradle of human civilization. From this region all nations were scattered over the earth. God's intervention was necessary. Our ancestors massively ignored God's command to spread themselves across the earth. Instead, they attempted to create their own heaven on earth in Babylon. They started building an impressive tower to ensure unity and prestige (“…otherwise we will be scattered all over the earth!” Genesis 11 : 4). But that haughty project was ended, never to be finished.

God introduced a series of irreducible language families, making further collaboration on the project practically impossible. Today we can still find the traces of these dozens of language families. Nothing else could be done but to leave with like-minded people and start something new abroad. In this way, Babel became the starting point from which peoples and cultures spread all over the world. While doing so, they took their customs and traditions everywhere with them. We can still find the echo of this scattering today.

Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) is known to be the cradle of human civilization. From this region all nations were scattered over the earth. God's intervention was necessary. Babel became the starting point from which peoples and cultures spread all over the world. While doing so, they took their customs and traditions everywhere with them.

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The start of a special project

God always had the entire world population in scope from the very beginning. Yet He started a special project with one people group, about four thousand years ago. In that turbulent period, in which it is estimated that several hundred thousand people lived on earth, He took a fresh initiative. The drama of Babel’s apostasy was history. The nations were spreading all over the earth. Superpowers arose. Babylonia (in the Mesopotamian region) and ancient Egypt topped the list. You might compare them to America and China today. The world stage of these days emerged. It was still God's plan to create a community of people to live with forever. What could He do to take the project to the next level?

God always had the entire world population in scope from the very beginning. Yet He started a special project with one people group, about four thousand years ago. In that turbulent period, in which it is estimated that several hundred thousand people lived on earth, He took a fresh initiative.

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God's covenant at the crossroads of superpowers

In 1000 BC the world population was only around 50 million people. No more than 0.6% of what it is today. The period when the nation of Israel first settled in the land of Canaan was even 400 years earlier. The social and political situation in the world was so different then that we can hardly imagine it. The centre of power was found in the Mesopotamian region (present day Iraq and Syria) and in ancient Egypt. Precisely at the crossroads of those great powers, God gave His own people a piece of land: the land of Canaan (i.e., present-day Israel). That location had a strategic reason.

In 1000 BC the world population was only around 50 million people. No more than 0.6% of what it is today. The period when the nation of Israel first settled in the land of Canaan was even 400 years earlier. The social and political situation in the world was so different then that we can hardly imagine it.

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The Bible tells a reliable story

What is the Bible? According to some theologians, it is a mixture of different ideas about God. It has something of an art collection. People in different places and circumstances have expressed their feelings in stories, poems and self-invented representations of reality. But if that were true, it would be impossible to discover who God really is and what He has done in our collective past.

If you listen to a witness, it is fair to hear the whole story first before you judge it. The same goes for the Bible. According to its own words, the writings are 'inspired' by a divine Author, who worked thru a great number of human authors. This creates high expectations. If this is indeed the case, then the texts must be reliable and understandable in all respects. Can the Bible live up to those pretensions?

What is the Bible? According to some theologians, it is a mixture of different ideas about God. But if that were true, it would be impossible to discover who God really is and what He has done in our collective past. If you listen to a witness, it is fair to hear the whole story first before you judge it. The same goes for the Bible.

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Key prophetic times

Given that God lives outside our time — which is beyond our comprehension — He can make us partakers of what is still to come. Some parts of the Bible contain predictions and decisions about the future. This astonishing phenomenon is called prophecy. For instance, the Bible contains detailed announcements about the coming of the Messiah, centuries before this actually took place. On top of this, a few prophetic time periods are given. They provide us with a framework to think about the course of world history.

Prophecy creates confidence that God has our future in His hand: “Now I tell you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe that I am He” (John 13:19). As time goes by, our knowledge and understanding of the prophecy increases. The historic picture is getting clearer. That is why we are better suited to colour the contours that were sketched long ago, compared to past generations.

Given that God lives outside our time — which is beyond our comprehension — He can make us partakers of what is still to come. Some parts of the Bible contain predictions and decisions about the future. This astonishing phenomenon is called prophecy. For instance, the Bible contains detailed announcements about the coming of the Messiah, centuries before this actually took place. On top of this, a few prophetic time periods are given. They provide us with a framework to think about the course of world history.

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Jesus: good news for all nations!

The people of the world had invented their own gods over time. This in reality connected them in many instances with dark spiritual forces. On this religious world stage there was one nation (Israel) who entered a covenant with the God 'Yahweh'. Note that the Old Testament does not just speak about 'God’ in general but calls Him by His own name: Yahweh (YHWH). Amid all the counterfeit gods, He made Himself known among the nations as the only true God, the Creator of heaven and earth.

Many centuries later, Jesus of Nazareth was born. The name Jesus is a Hebrew contraction of 'Yahweh saves'. The name Jesus indicates that Yahweh, the God of Israel, Himself came and acted in our history to save us. But what and who could be saved? And why should we be saved in the first place?

On this religious world stage there was one nation (Israel) who entered a covenant with the God 'Yahweh'. Amid all the counterfeit gods, He made Himself known among the nations as the only true God, the Creator of heaven and earth.Many centuries later, Jesus of Nazareth was born. The name Jesus is a Hebrew contraction of 'Yahweh saves'. But what and who could be saved?

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God's family continues to grow

Monotheism, the belief that there is but one true God (mono-theos), is not a Judeo-Christian invention. In reality, it is the most original and authentic belief, anywhere in the world. It was only when our great-great-grandparents began to let go of the Creator of heaven and earth that there was room for polytheism. Those who let go of the bond with God will receive many alternatives in return. The new vacuum can be filled with idols of all kinds. From ancestor worship or a busy pantheon to the empty promises of sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll. But beneath that thick layer of polytheism, even today, in hundreds of cultures worldwide, you can hear the echo of an ancient loyalty to one Creator.

Monotheism, the belief that there is but one true God (mono-theos), is not a Judeo-Christian invention. In reality, it is the most original and authentic belief, anywhere in the world. It was only when our great-great-grandparents began to let go of the Creator of heaven and earth that there was room for polytheism. But beneath that thick layer of polytheism, even today, in hundreds of cultures worldwide, you can hear the echo of an ancient loyalty to one Creator.

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The great change of course

The [growth of God's family] has gone through ups and downs throughout the ages. Times of drought and bloom. The revival under King David (1000 BC), the apostasy in the time of Elijah (850 BC), the conversion of Nineveh (around 750 BC) and the flying start of the early church (31 AD) are striking examples. The Reformation of the 16th century brought about the greatest change in course in the past five hundred years. In the heart of the dark ages, the light of God's promise began to shine brightly again. Is it conceivable that a similar revival will come about in our own time?

The [growth of God's family] has gone through ups and downs throughout the ages. Times of drought and bloom. The Reformation of the 16th century brought about the greatest change in course in the past five hundred years. In the heart of the dark ages, the light of God's promise began to shine brightly again. Is it conceivable that a similarrevival will come about in our own time?

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Towards unity without Jesus

In 1991, Chung Kyung was invited as a keynote speaker at the General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Canberra, Australia. She caused quite a stir by invoking spirits of all kinds on stage, accompanied by Aboriginal rituals. Many gave a standing ovation; others bit their tongues. Apparently, the controversial performance appealed to the WCC (World Council of Churches). In 1998 she was just invited again.

The WCC is part of a larger movement – ​​the ecumenical movement – ​​that aims to merge all world religions. Alice Bailey, a prominent adviser to the UN, already envisioned such a universal church at the time: “(…) there will be no more distinction between the universal church, the lodge of true Freemasonry and the inner circle of the esoteric societies” (Bailey , The Externalization of the Hierarchy , New York: Lucis Trust, 7th printing , 1982, pg 513). The ecumenical movement offers room for everything and everyone, except for the unique role and position of Jesus Christ in world history.

In 1991, Chung Kyung was invited as a keynote speaker at the General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Canberra, Australia. She caused quite a stir by invoking spirits of all kinds on stage, accompanied by Aboriginal rituals. Many gave a standing ovation; others bit their tongues. The WCC is part of a larger movement – ​​the ecumenical movement – ​​that aims to merge all world religions. The ecumenical movement offers room for everything and everyone, except for the unique role and position of Jesus Christ in world history.

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V-Power back on the world stage

In his recent book Let us dream, Pope Francis refers to the three core values ​​of the French Revolution (p. 7). In the past period, a lot of work has been done on freedom and equality and now it is time to add the worldwide brotherhood (fraternity). Remarkable. The Catholic Church had a very hard time during that revolution. The pope at the time was even banned. Has the old conflict from the 18th century suddenly ceased? Or could it be there are connections behind the scenes that you would not suspect at first sight? In any case, it is clear that the V-Power, the Vatican, has been making an impressive comeback since 1929. Seen from a distance, it is just one of many developments on the world stage. But according to Bible prophecy, there is more to this.

In his recent book Let us dream, Pope Francis refers to the three core values ​​of the French Revolution (p. 7). In the past period, a lot of work has been done on freedom and equality and now it is time to add the worldwide brotherhood (fraternity). Remarkable. The Catholic Church had a very hard time during that revolution. The pope at the time was even banned. Has the old conflict from the 18th century suddenly ceased? Or could it be there are connections behind the scenes that you would not suspect at first sight?

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The climax of an ancient conflict

Paul likens world history to childbirth (Romans 8). The contractions are getting more intense. The earth is creaking and unrest among the nations is increasing. In our days we experience and see those contractions on a scale that has never happened before. It's troubling, but it also creates great expectations. The end is in sight!

The end game will be full of deception. The very first advice Jesus gives when He speaks of the end of the world's history is a warning: 'Take heed that no one deceives you' (Matthew 24). Revelation states about the evil power: “(…) who deceives the whole world” (Revelation 12:9). And the devil is said to be the father of lies from the beginning (John 8:44). Together with his depraved team, Satan tries to mislead millions of people. Deception means that something looks nice and attractive from the outside, but if you step on it, you will fall hard. It deals in empty promises and false hopes. The consummation of world history revolves around lies and truth. So, you have to be careful. Not everything you see and hear is what it seems.

Paul likens world history to childbirth (Romans 8). The contractions are getting more intense. The earth is creaking and unrest among the nations is increasing. In our days we experience and see those contractions on a scale that has never happened before. It's troubling, but it also creates great expectations. The end is in sight!The end game will be full of deception. The very first advice Jesus gives when He speaks of the end of the world's history is a warning: 'Take heed that no one deceives you' (Matthew 24). The consummation of world history revolves around lies and truth. So, you have to be careful. Not everything you see and hear is what it seems.

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The great day: Jesus is returning!

The Bible regularly speaks of the day, the great day, or the day of the LORD. Here are a few examples:

“The great day of the LORD is near” (Zephaniah 1:14) | “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord” (Malachi 4:5) | “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly” (Luke 21:34) | “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief” (I Thessalonians 5:4) | “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25).

While there have been many special days, the Bible also points forward to the greatest Day of history. It is the awesome day when Jesus returns in full glory, to collect His people and kick-of the end of world history (Matthew 28:20).

The Bible regularly speaks of the day, the great day, or the day of the LORD. While there have been many special days, the Bible also points forward to the greatest Day of history. It is the awesome day when Jesus returns in full glory, to collect His people and kick-of the end of world history (Matthew 28:20).

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Gods people gain insight into world history

God conceived and made us as free people. We can think, form judgments, and make choices. This fits with His covenant of love. Humans are not robots that are programmed to do or say certain things. God never forces, but invites people to participate voluntarily. It always has been that way and it will always stay that way. That is how God is and how He wants to interact with His people.

How does this character of God reflect during the transition from the present world history to the eternal future? Take a moment to consider what's happening here. A time will come when God is going to make a final judgment on all people throughout history. How will that be like for the people who are going to be part of God's eternal future? Can they forever and completely be at peace with God's judgments? The psalmist says, "You are righteous, O LORD, and all Your judgments are just (119:137). Revelation adds: “(...) just and true are Your ways, King of the saints! (15:3).” Is this thoughtless or forced lip service? Or would God give His people the opportunity to fully endorse His final say? There is a reason why a thousand-year period precedes the execution of God's final judgment. God's community is given plenty of time to examine, engage and heartily endorse His judgments about world history, and clear the way for the eternal future of shalom.

God conceived and made us as free people. We can think, form judgments, and make choices. This fits with His covenant of love. Humans are not robots that are programmed to do or say certain things. God never forces, but invites people to participate voluntarily. It always has been that way and it will always stay that way. That is how God is and how He wants to interact with His people.

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A new beginning and the final judgement

Following the return of Christ, the earth remains desolate for a period of [1000 years]. Then God will resurrect all the rest of humanity. Everyone who has turned their backs on Him in the course of world history comes back to the scene. They had no part in the first resurrection. These people from the second resurrection will suffer the consequences of what they have chosen for themselves. They will be nullified and will not live to see the eternal future together with God. It is an irreversible, eternal judgment, called the ‘second death’ or 'being lost'.

At the same time God will finally deal with the devil. The beast and the false prophet have already been killed at the coming of Jesus. But the devil was chained to a desolate earth, confronted with the failure of his wicked project. But now for a short while, after the second resurrection has taken place, he has his team back. He will once more deceive these people and engage them in a final battle. It is the ultimate confirmation of Gods eternal, righteous judgement. Until the very end those men and women say ‘no’ to God. But the devil doesn't stand a chance, and his head will be crushed. Jesus sets his foot on the Mount of Olives and the heavenly Jerusalem comes to our earth. God will finally usher in [the eternal future].

Following the return of Christ, the earth remains desolate for a period of [1000 years]. Then God will resurrect all the rest of humanity. Everyone who has turned their backs on Him in the course of world history comes back to the scene. These people from the second resurrection will suffer the consequences of what they have chosen for themselves. God will finally usher in [the eternal future].

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4000 BC

Placing events on a timeline helps to understand a story. The timeline provides you with the main events to think about the course of world history. Some of the dates involved are unequivocally established, others are based on a good estimate.

You may have noticed by now that the timeline doesn't count with millions or billions of years. The reason for this is that our world history, according to the Bible, began no more than six thousand years ago. Adam and Eve are the first human beings and Jesus clearly affirmed they were created at the beginning (Mark 10:6). This dating creates some friction with popular scientific theories, to say the least. So, is the timeline based on naive assumptions? Or is there scientific support for such an extremely young model? It may surprise you, but evidence abounds!

What preceded your life? Is there something to say about the future? You will see that the timeline assumes we are living in momentous times. We have reached the climax of world history. This idea doesn't just come out of thin air. Follow the story, click on each tile, and discover what world history looks like through the crystal-clear lens of the Bible.

The timeline provides you with the main events to think about the course of world history. You may have noticed by now that the timeline doesn't count with millions or billions of years. The reason for this is that our world history, according to the Bible, began no more than six thousand years ago. Adam and Eve are the first human beings and Jesus clearly affirmed they were created at the beginning (Mark 10:6). This dating creates somefriction with popular scientific theories, to say the least. So, is the timeline based on naive assumptions?

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A spiritual battle behind the scenes

The oldest lie in world history is that we ourselves are actually a kind of god and will never really die. On the contrary, we would be better off without God. Ever since the beginning of human history, the devil, a fallen angel, has been trying to drive people away from their Creator. Together with his demonic team, he turns us against God, through massive deception and an offer of false alternatives. But fortunately, God's great community and His covenant of love are also starting to take shape. There is hope and good news! You don't have to be afraid of the battle that is outlined here. But realize that it pops up everywhere and nowhere, so you won't be fooled.

The world stage is essentially not governed by political, economic, or social interests, it is a spiritual battle of lies and truth. It is all about people's hearts and about their personal relationship with the Creator. In the timeline, we follow the developments of this epic battle, from its early beginnings into the 21st century.

The world stage is essentially not governed by political, economic, or social interests, it is a spiritual battle of lies and truth. It is all about people's hearts and about their personal relationship with the Creator. In the timeline, we follow the developments of this epic battle, from its early beginnings into the 21st century.


Ancient Babylon mingles among the nations

Over the past 4,500 years, many religions and worldviews have emerged. Yet they have striking similarities in ideas and symbolism. A good example of this is the 'sun wheel', which you can see in a Buddhist temple, under an ornament of the eye of Osiris and on top of an Assyrian altar. Such similarities can only be properly understood when you take into account that all the nations were scattered over the earth from one location, ancient Babel.

Therefore, it will also prove to be doable to reunite all religions at the end of times. Intensive efforts are currently being made to achieve this. In the course of the timeline [towards unity without Jesus] you’ll see all kinds of religious movements coming together again, in an ultimate attempt to finish the old, failed project of Babel.

Over the past 4,500 years, many religions and worldviews have emerged. Yet they have striking similarities in ideas and symbolism. Such similarities can only be properly understood when you take into account that all the nations were scattered over the earth from one location, ancient Babel.

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The prophet Daniel occupied a top position in the ancient political world yet remained pure in his words and actions. God gave him a remarkable insight into the succession of world empires. First, Daniel explains a dream of the Babylonian prince Nebuchadnezzar. He saw an impressive statue made up of different materials. The gold, silver, bronze, and iron (later mixed with clay) represent four world powers. While the historical empires have come and gone, the statue stands firm on its feet until the consummation of history. What does this imply?

In a second vision, Daniel receives extra information about these world powers, this time in the form of four animals. Out of the fourth kingdom a new player comes on the scene, who will become the superpower at the end of times.

The prophet Daniel occupied a top position in the ancient political world yet remained pure in his words and actions. God gave him a remarkable insight into the succession of world empires. While the historical empires have come and gone, the statue stands firm on its feet until the consummation of history. What does this imply?

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The kingdom that succeeded Babylon was that of the Medes and Persians. Many religious ideas and customs from earlier Babel can be found here. A number of special features are added.

The kingdom that succeeded Babylon was that of the Medes and Persians. Many religious ideas and customs from earlier Babel can be found here. A number of special features are added.

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After the lesser-known rulers of Babel, Medo-Persia, and the Greeks, we now have arrived at the famous empire of Rome. The Romans were masters of organization, law and architecture and they are referred to with respect nowadays. To some extend deservedly. But Rome also had the features of the terrible fourth beast from Daniel's vision. It was the world in which the horrors of the Colosseum, where the death of fellow humans was viewed with pleasure, was accepted, and even glorified. The supreme god 'Mars' represented the insatiable urge for war and power. Due to the undisputed status of the god of war, the month of 'March' (derived from Mars) was at the forefront of the calendar and February became the 'residual month', which is still so today. In the iron teeth of this realm, even the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was crushed. At least, so it seemed.

After the lesser-known rulers of Babel, Medo-Persia, and the Greeks, we now have arrived at the famous empire of Rome. The Romans were masters of organization, law and architecture and they are referred to with respect nowadays. To some extend deservedly. But Rome also had the features of the terrible fourth beast from Daniel's vision.

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Daniel, inspired by the Holy Spirit, foresaw the rise of the Greek empire. In his book, rulers of Babylon and Medo-Persia are mentioned by name as he knew them personally. But Daniel could not yet know who would hold sway in the third realm that would come to power. He talks about a 'ram' hovering over the earth, that's how fast it goes.

Alexander the Great did indeed fly through the world later, to leave his mark on many peoples and cultures. In this way the Greek heritage took root in large parts of the inhabited world. However, Alexanders conquests came to a sudden end. He died at a young age, in the city of Babel, where he was trying to rebuild the temple tower of the god Marduk. The expansion turned out to be short but powerful. The impact of the Greek heritage on Western culture and theology can hardly be overestimated. More than any other empire, the Greeks have influenced our view of world history. But in what way?

Daniel, inspired by the Holy Spirit, foresaw the rise of the Greek empire. In his book, rulers of Babylon and Medo-Persia are mentioned by name as he knew them personally. But Daniel could not yet know who would hold sway in the third realm that would come to power. He talks about a 'ram' hovering over the earth, that's how fast it goes.

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1260 years V-dominance

The powers in Daniel's vision [see: Babylon] are not to be taken symbolically. It deals with the historical empires of Babel, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. They have been superpowers who have left their mark on our world in all kinds of ways, in the form of religion, philosophy, language, science, architecture, and culture. According to the vision, a last ruler will arise out of the fourth (Roman) empire. It is described as a growing horn, a symbol of power (Daniel 7:19-22). Isn’t it obvious to assume that this newcomer to the scene, like the previous empires, will have a traceable, historical existence?

That intensifies the quest. Who or what is it? Daniel, who lived in the sixth and fifth centuries BC, could not have known yet. He mentions the Babylonian and Persian rulers by name. The Greek and Roman princes, including the unknown last ruler, were not known at the time. At the end of his book, Daniel predicts that knowledge about this prophetic calendar will increase with time. That's not so far-fetched. As history unfolds it becomes clear who or what the dominating powers are. Is it possible to identify the superpower that would arise, given our perspective in time?

According to the vision, a last ruler will arise out of the fourth (Roman) empire. It is described as a growing horn, a symbol of power (Daniel 7:19-22). Isn’t it obvious to assume that this newcomer to the scene, like the previous empires, will have a traceable, historical existence? That intensifies the quest. Who or what is it?

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A global pact

In 1844 a spiritual tree was planted. That tree has grown into an impressive foliage with a deep root system. In this section we follow five branches of the tree. How do they influence our world today? What does it have to do with the end of world history? Everyone feels and sees that the world is in full swing. There are pros and cons for the current political, economic, and religious changes. But the real question that matters is this: Where are we at in God's prophetic calendar?

In 1844 a spiritual tree was planted. That tree has grown into an impressive foliage with a deep root system. In this section we follow five branches of the tree. How do they influence our world today? What does it have to do with the end of world history? Everyone feels and sees that the world is in full swing. There are pros and cons for the current political, economic, and religious changes. But the real question that matters is this: Where are we at in God's prophetic calendar?

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A desolate earth

After the return of Jesus there is no one left on earth. He has gathered His community at [the great day]. None of the people who left behind survived. The earth will be left empty and desolate for a period of a thousand years. Or not quite?

The Bible book of Revelation speaks of 'a beast out of the sea' and of 'a false prophet'. Together with 'the dragon' (the devil), this dark trio forms a terrifying counterpart to the divine trinity. At the glorious coming of Christ, this beast and the false prophet will suffer death. In unmistakable words, a judgment is pronounced against their abysmal arrogance and lies: “Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone” (Revelation 19:20). But what about the dragon?

After the return of Jesus there is no one left on earth. He has gathered His community at [the great day]. None of the people who left behind survived. The earth will be left empty and desolate for a period of a thousand years. Or not quite?

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The new earth

After these things I saw a new heaven and a new earth, the Apostle John wrote over 1,900 years ago (Revelation 21:1). Isn’t it remarkable that he is not only talking about heaven, but refers to a new earth as well? Many Christians are so focused on a heavenly realm in the afterlife that they completely seem to forget that God, the Creator of the world, is going to renew the earth that we now live on. That really excites the imagination.

The historical nation of Israel received a promise to live in the land of Canaan. That little patch of land was a foreshadowing of God's new world. Just before they enter this land, God says, “(…) but truly, as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD” (Numbers 14:21, see also Habakkuk 2:14 and Isaiah 11:9). In line with this, Jesus said that the meek shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5). Don’t consider that to be just nice poetry. It is the actual future. Today the people with the biggest mouth rule. But soon the whole earth will be full of God's glory. One day earth will become the eternal and perfect habitat for God's universal community.

After these things I saw a new heaven and a new earth, the Apostle John wrote over 1,900 years ago (Revelation 21:1). Isn’t it remarkable that he is not only talking about heaven, but refers to a new earth as well? Many Christians are so focused on a heavenly realm in the afterlife that they completely seem to forget that God, the Creator of the world, is going to renew the earth that we now live on. Jesus said that the meek shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5). Don’t consider that to be just nice poetry. It is the actual future. One day earth will become the eternal and perfect habitat for God's universal community.

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The eternal future

What God once started He will also finish. That is so wonderful about our Creator, you can always rely on Him. What is the end result of some seven thousand years of world history? Many hundreds of millions of people from roughly 170 generations have chosen God of their own free will. Throughout this eventful history, a perfect and everlasting covenant of love has grown. It is a covenant that He Himself guaranteed, even before time began. In the new world, God will setup his tent and dwell among men. Forever. What a hope and what an incredibly fantastic future.

We are still living in turbulent world history. Do you eagerly look forward to God's eternal world, in which there will be no more tears, no death, no thieves and no more gossip? Arguments and words actually fail to express this deep desire. Here is a beautiful song that expresses the wish for God's new world: Is He worthy? Do you live with this hope?

Chris Tomlin - Is He Worthy?

What God once started He will also finish. That is so wonderful about our Creator, you can always rely on Him. What is the end result of some seven thousand years of world history? We are still living in turbulent world history. Do you eagerly look forward to God's eternal world, in which there will be no more tears, no death, no thieves and no more gossip? Arguments and words actually fail to express this deep desire.

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In the beginning

Why would the eternal God begin with a temporary project, our world history? The Bible states that God's character is best described as love, giving love. It is out of that love that He has decided to call us to life. He wants us to share in His beautiful and everlasting covenant of love. This, in a nutshell, is what life is all about. World history did not begin with a chaotic or accidental event. It all started, around 6000 years ago, with God's loving and intelligent choice.

There is a common thread running through the timeline. God is gathering a community of people across all generations, nations, languages, and places. With those people He will live together in a perfect covenant of love. The world as we know it today will pass away. We are on our way to the end of our history. It will make way for an eternal future in which temporality, death and sin no longer play any role. It will be a world, full of love, joy and shalom (true, deep peace). Jesus wants the good news of this coming Kingdom to be proclaimed to all nations and gave a promise: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). Today is a day, on the way to the great harvest at the close of world history. Are you on board?

Why would the eternal God begin with a temporary project, our world history? The Bible states that God's character is best described as love, giving love. It is out of that love that He has decided to call us to life. He wants us to share in His beautiful and everlasting covenant of love. This, in a nutshell, is what life is all about. World history did not begin with a chaotic or accidental event. It all started, around 6000 years ago, with God's loving and intelligent choice.


2 people

Today there are about 8,000,000,000 (8 billion) people living on this earth. You are one of them. Each has his or her own unique story. At the same time, there is a lot that we share. We live in the same world, have a common origin, and can be part of [the eternal future] that God is preparing.

Our world has not always been so densely populated. In previous generations the numbers were much, much lower. Did you know that over the past 500 years the world population has grown by a factor of 20! Imagine how different the social and economic environment would have been if you were born in, let’s say, 500 AD or even thousands of years before.

Knowledge about the development of the world population is much more than just a fun fact. It changes the way we think about past events. Anyone who is somewhat at home in the Bible knows that it mainly concerns peoples in the ancient Middle East, such as Israel, Egypt, Babel, and Assyria. Unlike today this area was not just a small region of the world. It was the epicentre of world powers and cultural civilization. Israel lived right in the midst of it [see: God's covenant at the crossroads of superpowers]. Therefore, if you take the development of the world’s population into account, the testimony of the Bible becomes more significant.

Today there are about 8,000,000,000 (8 billion) people living on this earth. You are one of them. Each has his or her own unique story. At the same time, there is a lot that we share. We live in the same world, have a common origin, and can be part of [the eternal future] that God is preparing.


490 - Israel

Daniel received a remarkable insight from God about a period of 'seventy weeks'. You can read it yourself in Daniel chapter 9. This is one of the most important prophecies contained in the Bible. It predicts, hundreds of years upfront, accurate to the year, the coming of the Messiah. Also, it indicates the timing of His untimely death and the meaning of this. But it does even more.

The prophecy gives a set time for the nation of Israel. For centuries, the Jewish people had played a central role in God's plan for the world [God's covenant at the crossroads of superpowers]. Except for a few beautiful highlights, it had become a centuries-old tale of decay and trouble. How would God respond to this? With the unanimous decision of the Sanhedrin (the highest Jewish court) to stone Stephen and reject the gospel, the limit was reached. A change in God's government was implemented at the end of the seventy weeks, in the year 34 AD. Around that time, many Jewish people already had joined Jesus' community. What did this change imply for the national role of the Jewish people in world history? God continued to build His worldwide community and would fulfill all His promises, but in a much better way than anyone expected.

Daniel received a remarkable insight from God about a period of 'seventy weeks'. You can read it yourself in Daniel chapter 9. This is one of the most important prophecies contained in the Bible. It predicts, hundreds of years upfront, accurate to the year, the coming of the Messiah. Also, it indicates the timing of His untimely death and the meaning of this. But it does even more.

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1260-year period (the middle ages)

There is a period which is mentioned seven times in the Bible. It is referred to as 1260 days, or 42 months (the Jewish calendar had 30 days) or 3.5 years, which all comes down to the same timeframe. In the Old Testament this prophetic period is associated with a 'horn' that rises from the Roman Empire (Daniel 7). In the New Testament it is applied to the "beast out of the sea" (Revelation 13). Apparently, both cases refer to the same historic power.

Biblical prophecy regularly uses a so-called 'day-year principle'. In this count a prophetic day equals a year. 1260 days points to a time of 1260 years. From our perspective in time we can indeed identify a period in world history that exactly corresponds to this prediction and makes perfect sense in light of what we know from the Bible.

There is a period which is mentioned seven times in the Bible. It is referred to as 1260 days, or 42 months (the Jewish calendar had 30 days) or 3.5 years, which all comes down to the same timeframe. In the Old Testament this prophetic period is associated with a 'horn' that rises from the Roman Empire (Daniel 7). In the New Testament it is applied to the "beast out of the sea" (Revelation 13). Apparently, both cases refer to the same historic power.

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2300-year period (the beginning of the end)

The Bible provides a number of prophetic periods, which are important for understanding world history. Daniel speaks about a period of 1260 days [1260 years]. He states that somewhere after this period the time of the end will begin (Daniel 9:25-26 and 12:7). The angel Gabriel explains to Daniel: “Understand, son of man, that the vision refers to the time of the end” (8:17). So, the prophecy of 2300 years points to a moment in time when the closing scene in world history starts.

A period of 2300 prophetic years will pass. Then “(…) the sanctuary shall be cleansed (8:14).” It is reminiscent of the cleansing of the temple of Jesus. Jesus swept the temple to separate human religion and true religion. It seems that after 2300 years have passed a new sort of temple cleansing will take place, but now on a global scale. It is a time when the difference between good and evil, real faith, and counterfeit will become more and more apparent. The temple, in the New Testament exclusively used as a symbol of God’s church, is cleansed of human sin and self-invented religion. She is being morally purified, like a bride who wants to dress herself up for the great Day.

The Bible provides a number of prophetic periods, which are important for understanding world history. Daniel speaks about a period of 1260 days [1260 years]. He states that somewhere after this period the time of the end will begin (Daniel 9:25-26 and 12:7). The angel Gabriel explains to Daniel: “Understand, son of man, that the vision refers to the time of the end” (8:17). So, the prophecy of 2300 years points to a moment in time when the closing scene in world history starts.

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1000-year period (the great preparation)

In Revelation, we find a prophetic period of 1,000 years (chapter 20). How is this period related to our world’s history? Why would God insert a period before executing His final judgement?

During [the great Day] Jesus calls home His great community, gathered from the total world history. The remaining world population existing at this time is reduced to zero, like it was in the days of Noah. The beast and the false prophet have been destroyed during the glorious second coming of Christ (Revelation 20:20-21). The devil is left alone. He is bound for a period of 1000 years, to an earth that has become desolate and empty [a desolate earth]. During this in-between period, the community of God, which now resides in the heavenly realms, will rule as kings. Click on [God's people gain insight into world history] to find out what that means. At the end of the period a second resurrection from the dead takes place: “(…) the rest of the people did not live again until the thousand years are ended” (Revelation 20:5). This ‘rest’ refers to all people from history who didn’t want to belong to God's covenant of love. Go to [a new beginning] to find out how God closes world history with His final and righteous judgement and usher in the eternal future.

In Revelation, we find a prophetic period of 1,000 years (chapter 20). How is this period related to our world’shistory? Why would God insert a period before executing His final judgement? During [the great Day] Jesus calls home His great community, gathered from the total world history.

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Look at world history
through the lens of the Bible

Do you already know what world history is all about?
View the website or go to the YouTube series (use autotranslate)
( to view the timeline, scroll vertical ↓↑ )

550 BC


4000 BC >

2 people

2500 BC

8 people

2200 BC


In the beginning ∞

God starts history towards an everlasting covenant of love

A beautiful creation
instead of a blind evolution

The risk
of love ♡

The catastrophe
of the global flood ≋

The origin
of all nations ⚤

The migration
of all nations ✵

A spiritual battle

A spiritual battle behind the scenes

Disclaimer. Each author or resource referenced is solely responsible for its own content, not for the wider context in which it is used. Unless otherwise stated quotes from the Bible are based on the Revised King James Version.

2000 BC

+/- 200 thousand

1400 BC

30 million

1000 BC

50 million

457 BC


The start of
a special project

God's covenant
at the crossroads
of superpowers 🕸

The Bible is a
reliable testimony ✎


Ancient Babylon mingles among the nations 

Babel ☀

Persia ⇍


490 years – Israel ✡


200 mil.

538 AD


1517 AD

450 million

1798 AD


1844 AD

1.2 billion

1929 AD



+/- 8 billion


Good news for
all the nations! ✟

God's family
continues to grow ✿

The great
change of course ⏎

Towards unity
without Jesus ☣

V-Power back
on the world stage

The climax of
an ancient
conflict ⚔

The great Day
Jesus is returning!

Het ontstaan
van alle volkeren

Rome ♆

1260 years of V-dominance ♝

A global pact ♜

1260 years - the middle ages ✠
2300 years - the beginning of the end ◕

550 BC


God's people gain insight
into world history ♛

A new beginning
& the final judgement ⚖

The eternal future

Through it all, God has established an unbreakable covenant of love. He will dwell among all His people. Forever.

A desolate earth 〇

The new earth

1000 years - the great preparation ✓